So we have decided to tackle the kitchen floor project this weekend so the kitchen can look somewhat better when my family comes up for thanksgiving. We just moved the refrigerator and stove into the dinning room and look how gross:
While Neill goes and rents the drum sander I am going to pull up the rest of the tiles and get the odds and ends out of there.
Time for a break. I forgot to take a picture of the cleaned kitchen (well at least the floor) pre sanding, but here is one with Neill sanding.
So far we are very impressed. We have heard a number of horror stories about drum sanders, but the thing wants to move so I don't understand how someone would fight it to hold it in one place (I really hope I didn't just jinx us). We had to go get more sandpaper with more grit because we are using it to get the concrete mortar off the wood floors. I still can't believe people tiled over wood floors. Well back to work for us. Then we have to decide if we want to stain it or paint it and what color to choose.